Dubbo Farmers Market

Useful Information

General information about Dubbo farmers Market


The Dubbo Farmers Market is open from 8.00am to 12.00pm every 1st and 3rd Saturday (except for January – 3rd Saturday only) at the Dubbo Lions Park on the corner of Newell Highway and Macquarie Street, Dubbo.

Car Parking

There are many free car parking spaces around the Dubbo Farmers Market  site. The rear of the Dubbo Regional Library, Woolworths and along the river bank provide ample parking spaces.


Public toilets located inside the Dubbo Visitors Information Centre.

Dogs at the Market

Dubbo Farmers Market has investigated the presence of dogs at the Market from a food standards perspective, health and safety and liability issue. In conclusion we are pleased to welcome you and your dog to the Market and hope you have an enjoyable experience while shopping here.

To help others enjoy their experience please:

  • keep your dog on its lead and under your control at all times
  • clean up any dog faeces left by your dog
  • be especially careful around young children eating food
  • do not allow your dog to enter into a stall space as this is a food market

under the Cat and Dog Act you are responsible and personally liable for your dog’s actions in a public space